alt.0 | - | 2 |
alt.1 | - | Number of alterations since last SAVE or autosave |
alt.2 | - | Number of alterations since last SAVE |
arbchar.0 | - | 3 |
arbchar.1 | - | ON|OFF |
arbchar.2 | - | multiple match character |
arbchar.3 | - | single match character |
autocolor.0 | - | 3 |
autocolor.1 | - | filemask or "magic number" |
autocolor.2 | - | name of parser associated or "NULL" |
autocolor.3 | - | MAGIC (if "magic number") or empty |
autocolor.0 | - | number of parser mappings |
autocolor.1 | - | first mapping (mask parser [MAGIC]) |
autocolor.n | - | nth mapping |
autosave.0 | - | 1 |
autosave.1 | - | OFF|n |
autoscroll.0 | - | 1 |
autoscroll.1 | - | OFF|HALF|n |
backup.0 | - | 2 |
backup.1 | - | ON|OFF|TEMP|KEEP|INPLACE |
backup.2 | - | backup suffix string |
beep.0 | - | 1 |
beep.1 | - | ON|OFF |
block.0 | - | 6 if a marked block exists, or 1 for NONE |
block.1 | - | type of marked block (LINE|BOX|NONE|WORD|COLUMN|CUA) |
block.2 | - | line number of start of block |
block.3 | - | column number of start of block |
block.4 | - | line number of end of block |
block.5 | - | column number of end of block |
block.6 | - | file name containing marked block |
case.0 | - | 6 |
case.1 | - | MIXED|UPPER|LOWER |
case.2 | - | RESPECT|IGNORE |
case.3 | - | RESPECT|IGNORE |
case.4 | - | RESPECT|IGNORE |
case.5 | - | MIXED|UPPER|LOWER |
case.6 | - | MIXED|UPPER|LOWER |
clearerrorkey.0 | - | 1 |
clearerrorkey.1 | - | keyname|* |
clearscreen.0 | - | 1 |
clearscreen.1 | - | ON|OFF |
clock.0 | - | 1 |
clock.1 | - | ON|OFF |
cmdarrows.0 | - | 1 |
cmdarrows.1 | - | RETRIEVE|TAB |
cmdline.0 | - | 1 |
cmdline.1 | - | OFF |
cmdline.0 | - | 3 |
cmdline.1 | - | ON|TOP|BOTTOM |
cmdline.2 * | - | line number within window of command line |
cmdline.3 * | - | contents of command line |
color.0 | - | 40 |
color.1 | - | FILEAREA followed by its color |
color.2 | - | CURLINE followed by its color |
color.3 | - | BLOCK followed by its color |
color.4 | - | CBLOCK followed by its color |
color.5 | - | CMDLINE followed by its color |
color.6 | - | IDLINE followed by its color |
color.7 | - | MSGLINE followed by its color |
color.8 | - | ARROW followed by its color |
color.9 | - | PREFIX followed by its color |
color.10 | - | CPREFIX followed by its color |
color.11 | - | PENDING followed by its color |
color.12 | - | SCALE followed by its color |
color.13 | - | TOFEOF followed by its color |
color.14 | - | CTOFEOF followed by its color |
color.15 | - | TABLINE followed by its color |
color.16 | - | SHADOW followed by its color |
color.17 | - | STATAREA followed by its color |
color.18 | - | DIVIDER followed by its color |
color.19 | - | RESERVED followed by its color |
color.20 | - | NONDISP followed by its color |
color.21 | - | HIGHLIGHT followed by its color |
color.22 | - | CHIGHLIGHT followed by its color |
color.23 | - | THIGHLIGHT followed by its color |
color.24 | - | SLK followed by its color |
color.25 | - | GAP followed by its color |
color.26 | - | CGAP followed by its color |
color.27 | - | ALERT followed by its color |
color.28 | - | DIALOG followed by its color |
color.29 | - | BOUNDMARKER followed by its color |
color.30 | - | FILETABS followed by its color |
color.31 | - | FILETABSDIV followed by its color |
color.32 | - | CURSORLINE followed by its color |
color.33 | - | DIALOGBORDER followed by its color |
color.34 | - | DIALOGEDITFIELD followed by its color |
color.35 | - | DIALOGBUTTON followed by its color |
color.36 | - | DIALOGABUTTON followed by its color |
color.37 | - | POPUPBORDER followed by its color |
color.38 | - | POPUPCURLINE followed by its color |
color.39 | - | POPUP followed by its color |
color.40 | - | POPUPDIVIDER followed by its color |
color.0 | - | 1 |
color.1 | - | area followed by its color |
coloring.0 | - | 3 |
coloring.1 | - | ON|OFF |
coloring.2 | - | AUTO|parser (if coloring.1 is ON) |
coloring.3 | - | parser (if coloring.1 is ON) |
column.0 | - | 1 |
column.1 | - | Column number of focus column |
compat.0 | - | 3 |
compat.1 | - | THE|XEDIT|KEDIT|KEDITW|ISPF (compatibility LOOK) |
compat.2 | - | THE|XEDIT|KEDIT|KEDITW|ISPF (compatibility FEEL) |
compat.3 | - | THE|XEDIT|KEDIT|KEDITW|ISPF (compatibility KEYS) |
ctlchar.0 | - | 1 if ctlchar.1 is OFF, otherwise 3 |
ctlchar.1 | - | ON|OFF |
ctlchar.2 | - | The character defined as the escape character. |
ctlchar.3 | - | List of defined control characters, if any. |
ctlchar.0 | - | 1 if ctlchar.1 is OFF, otherwise 2 |
ctlchar.1 | - | PROTECT|NOPROTECT|OFF |
ctlchar.2 | - | The color defined for this control character. |
curline.0 | - | 6 |
curline.1 | - | curline setting |
curline.2 | - | line number within window of current line |
curline.3 | - | contents of focus line |
curline.4 | - | ON|OFF (ON if line has changed or been added this session) |
curline.6 | - | selection level of focus line (same as select.1) |
curline.0 | - | 1 |
curline.1 | - | curline setting |
cursor.0 | - | 8 |
cursor.1 | - | line number of cursor in screen (current) |
cursor.2 | - | column number of cursor in screen (current) |
cursor.3 | - | line number of cursor in file (current) |
cursor.4 | - | column number of cursor in file (current) |
cursor.5 | - | line number of cursor in screen (original) |
cursor.6 | - | column number of cursor in screen (original) |
cursor.7 | - | line number of cursor in file (original) |
cursor.8 | - | column number of cursor in file (original) |
cursorstay.0 | - | 1 |
cursorstay.1 | - | ON|OFF |
define.0 | - | number of all definitions |
define.1 | - | command assigned to the 1st key or mouse |
define.n | - | command assigned to the nth key or mouse |
define.0 | - | number of key definitions |
define.1 | - | command assigned to the 1st key |
define.n | - | command assigned to the nth key |
define.0 | - | number of mouse definitions |
define.1 | - | command assigned to the 1st mouse event |
define.n | - | command assigned to the nth mouse event |
define.0 | - | 1 |
define.1 | - | command assigned to the key |
defsort.0 | - | 2 |
defsort.2 | - | ASCENDING|DESCENDING |
dirfileid.0 | - | 2 |
dirfileid.1 | - | full path of directory |
dirfileid.2 | - | file name at focus line |
dirfileid.0 | - | 1 |
dirfileid.1 | - | full path of directory |
dirinclude.0 | - | 1 |
dirinclude.1 | - | list of file types shown in DIR.DIR file |
display.0 | - | 2 |
display.1 | - | display low value |
display.2 | - | display high value |
ecolor.0 | - | 35 |
ecolor.1 | - | A followed by its color |
ecolor.2 | - | B followed by its color |
ecolor.3 | - | C followed by its color |
ecolor.4 | - | D followed by its color |
ecolor.5 | - | E followed by its color |
ecolor.6 | - | F followed by its color |
ecolor.7 | - | G followed by its color |
ecolor.8 | - | H followed by its color |
ecolor.9 | - | I followed by its color |
ecolor.10 | - | J followed by its color |
ecolor.11 | - | K followed by its color |
ecolor.12 | - | L followed by its color |
ecolor.13 | - | M followed by its color |
ecolor.14 | - | N followed by its color |
ecolor.15 | - | O followed by its color |
ecolor.16 | - | P followed by its color |
ecolor.17 | - | Q followed by its color |
ecolor.18 | - | R followed by its color |
ecolor.19 | - | S followed by its color |
ecolor.20 | - | T followed by its color |
ecolor.21 | - | U followed by its color |
ecolor.22 | - | V followed by its color |
ecolor.23 | - | W followed by its color |
ecolor.24 | - | X followed by its color |
ecolor.25 | - | Y followed by its color |
ecolor.26 | - | Z followed by its color |
ecolor.27 | - | 1 followed by its color |
ecolor.28 | - | 2 followed by its color |
ecolor.29 | - | 3 followed by its color |
ecolor.30 | - | 4 followed by its color |
ecolor.31 | - | 5 followed by its color |
ecolor.32 | - | 6 followed by its color |
ecolor.33 | - | 7 followed by its color |
ecolor.34 | - | 8 followed by its color |
ecolor.35 | - | 9 followed by its color |
color.0 | - | 1 |
color.1 | - | [ category ] followed by its color |
efileid.0 | - | 2 |
efileid.1 | - | Original full file name. |
efileid.2 | - | Original file name used to edit the file. |
eof.0 | - | 1 |
eof.1 | - | ON|OFF |
eolout.0 | - | 1 |
eolout.1 | - | LF|CRLF|CR|NONE |
equivchar.0 | - | 2 |
equivchar.1 | - | equivalence character |
errorformat.0 | - | 1 |
errorformat.1 | - | NORMAL|EXTENDED |
erroroutput.0 | - | 1 |
erroroutput.1 | - | ON|OFF |
etmode.0 | - | 2 |
etmode.1 | - | ON|OFF |
etmode.2 | - | character ranges if not all ON or OFF |
fext.0 | - | 1 |
fext.1 | - | File extension. |
field.0 | - | 4 |
field.1 | - | contents of the cursor field |
field.2 | - | character under the cursor |
field.3 | - | column position in the cursor field |
field.4 | - | COMMAND|TEXT|PREFIX |
fieldword.0 | - | 3 |
fieldword.1 | - | word as defined by SET WORD ALPHANUM |
fieldword.2 | - | word as defined by SET WORD NONBLANK |
fieldword.3 | - | starting column of word |
filename.0 | - | 1 |
filename.1 | - | Full file name. |
filestatus.0 | - | 3 |
filestatus.1 | - | sharing mode - NONE |
filestatus.2 | - | access type - READONLY|READWRITE |
filestatus.3 | - | end of line - CR/LF/CRLF/NONE |
filetabs.0 | - | 1 |
filetabs.1 | - | ON|OFF |
fmode.0 | - | 1 |
fmode.1 | - | File mode. |
fname.0 | - | 1 |
fname.1 | - | File name. |
fpath.0 | - | 1 |
fpath.1 | - | File path. |
ftype.0 | - | 1 |
ftype.1 | - | File extension. |
fullfname.0 | - | 1 |
fullfname.1 | - | ON|OFF |
getenv.0 | - | 1 |
getenv.1 | - | value of variable |
hex.0 | - | 1 |
hex.1 | - | ON|OFF |
header.0 | - | 11 |
header.1 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.2 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.3 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.4 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.5 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.6 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.7 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.8 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.9 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.10 | - | section ON|OFF |
header.11 | - | section ON|OFF |
hexdisplay.0 | - | 1 |
hexdisplay.1 | - | ON|OFF |
hexshow.0 | - | 2 |
hexshow.1 | - | ON|OFF |
hexshow.2 | - | line displaying first hexshow line |
highlight.0 | - | 1 or 3 (if highlight.1 = SELECT) |
highlight.1 | - | OFF|ALTERED|TAGGED|SELECT |
highlight.2 | - | minimum (or only) selection level for SELECT |
highlight.3 | - | maximum selection level for SELECT |
idline.0 | - | 1 |
idline.1 | - | ON|OFF |
idline.0 | - | 2 |
idline.1 | - | ON|OFF |
idline.2 | - | contents of idline . |
impmacro.0 | - | 1 |
impmacro.1 | - | ON|OFF |
impos.0 | - | 1 |
impos.1 | - | ON|OFF |
inputmode.0 | - | 1 |
inputmode.1 | - | OFF|FULL|LINE |
insertmode.1 | - | 1 |
insertmode.1 | - | ON|OFF |
lastmsg.0 | - | 1 |
lastmsg.1 | - | text of last message. |
lastkey.0 | - | 4 |
lastkey.1 | - | name of the key. |
lastkey.2 | - | character associated with the key (if applicable) |
lastkey.3 | - | curses mnemonic code |
lastkey.4 | - | shift status. see READV for details |
lastop.0 | - | 1 |
lastop.1 | - | command and its last operand |
lastop.0 | - | 9 |
lastop.1 | - | "alter" and its last operand (not implemented) |
lastop.2 | - | "change" and its last operand |
lastop.3 | - | "clocate" and its last operand (not implemented) |
lastop.4 | - | "count" and its last operand (not implemented) |
lastop.5 | - | "find" and its last operand |
lastop.6 | - | "locate" and its last operand |
lastop.7 | - | "schange" and its last operand |
lastop.8 | - | "tfind" and its last operand (not implemented) |
lastop.9 | - | "search" and its last operand |
lastrc.0 | - | 1 |
lastrc.1 | - | Last return code. |
length.0 | - | 1 |
length.1 | - | Length of current line. |
line.0 | - | 1 |
line.1 | - | Line number |
lineflag.0 | - | 3 |
lineflag.1 | - | NEW|NONEW |
lineflag.2 | - | CHANGE|NOCHANGE |
lineflag.3 | - | TAG|NOTAG |
linend.0 | - | 2 |
linend.1 | - | ON|OFF |
linend.2 | - | delimiter |
lscreen.0 | - | 6 |
lscreen.1 | - | height of current screen |
lscreen.2 | - | width of current screen |
lscreen.3 | - | screen line of upper left corner of screen |
lscreen.4 | - | screen column of upper left corner of screen |
lscreen.5 | - | height of display |
lscreen.6 | - | width of display |
macro.0 | - | 1 |
macro.1 | - | ON|OFF |
macroext.0 | - | 1 |
macroext.1 | - | Default file extension |
macropath.0 | - | 1 |
macropath.1 | - | Path for macro files. |
margins.0 | - | 3 |
margins.1 | - | left column |
margins.2 | - | right column |
margins.3 | - | indent value (column or offset from left margin) |
monitor.0 | - | 2 |
monitor.1 | - | COLOR|MONO |
monitor.2 | - | COLOR|MONO |
mouse.0 | - | 1 |
mouse.1 | - | ON|OFF |
msgline.0 | - | 4 |
msgline.1 | - | ON |
msgline.2 | - | line position of message line |
msgline.3 | - | number of message lines available |
msgline.4 | - | OVERLAY (returned for compatibility reasons) |
msgmode.0 | - | 2 |
msgmode.1 | - | ON|OFF |
msgmode.2 | - | LONG |
nbfile.0 | - | 1 |
nbfile.1 | - | Number of files in ring |
nbscope.0 | - | 1 |
nbscope.1 | - | Number of lines in scope |
nbscope.2 | - | Line number of focus line in scope |
newlines.0 | - | 1 |
newlines.1 | - | ALIGNED|LEFT |
nondisp.0 | - | 1 |
nondisp.1 | - | char |
number.0 | - | 1 |
number.1 | - | ON|OFF |
pagewrap.0 | - | 1 |
pagewrap.1 | - | ON|OFF |
parser.0 | - | 2 |
parser.1 | - | Name of parser |
parser.2 | - | Filename of TLD file |
parser.0 | - | number of parsers currently defined |
parser.1 | - | name and filename of first parser |
parser.i | - | name and filename of ith parser |
pending.0 | - | 7 |
pending.1 | - | line number in file |
pending.2 | - | newname - actual name entered in prefix area |
pending.3 | - | oldname - original name of macro after synonym resolution |
pending.4 | - | BLOCK or null |
pending.5 | - | value of first operand |
pending.6 | - | value of second operand |
pending.7 | - | value of third operand |
point.0 | - | 0 or 1 (0 if focus line not named) |
point.1 | - | line number and name of line (if line is named) |
point.0 | - | number of named lines in the file |
point.1 | - | line number and name for first named line |
point.n | - | line number and name for nth named line |
position.0 | - | 1 |
position.1 | - | ON|OFF |
position.0 | - | 3 |
position.1 | - | ON|OFF |
position.2 | - | current or focus line |
position.3 | - | current or focus column |
prefix.0 | - | 1 or 2 (1 if prefix.1 is OFF, 2 otherwise) |
prefix.1 | - | ON|OFF|NULLS |
prefix.2 | - | LEFT|RIGHT (if prefix.1 is ON or NULLS) |
prefix.3 | - | width of prefix area |
prefix.4 | - | width of prefix gap |
prefix.0 | - | 1 |
prefix.1 | - | synonym macroname |
prefix.0 | - | number of prefix synonyms |
prefix.1 | - | synonym macroname |
prefix.n | - | synonym macroname |
printer.0 | - | 1 |
printer.1 | - | port or spooler name |
profile.0 | - | 1 |
profile.1 | - | profile file name of blank if none being used |
readonly.0 | - | 1 |
readonly.1 | - | ON|OFF|FORCE |
regexp.0 | - | 1 |
reprofle.0 | - | 1 |
reprofle.1 | - | ON|OFF |
reserved.0 | - | 0 if no reserved lines; 1 otherwise |
reserved.1 | - | list of screen row numbers reserved |
reserved.0 | - | the number of reserved lines |
reserved.1 | - | first reserved line |
reserved.2 | - | second reserved line |
reserved.n | - | nth reserved line |
rexx.0 | - | 1 |
rexx.1 | - | Version strings |
rexxhalt.0 | - | 2 |
rexxhalt.1 | - | Number of command calls or OFF |
rexxhalt.2 | - | Number of function calls or OFF |
rexxoutput.0 | - | 2 |
rexxoutput.1 | - | FILE|DISPLAY |
rexxoutput.2 | - | line number limit |
ring.0 | - | number of variables returned (ring.1 + 1) |
ring.1 | - | number of files in the ring |
ring.2 | - | IDLINE of first file in the ring |
ring.3 | - | IDLINE of second file in the ring |
ring.n | - | IDLINE of nth file in the ring |
ring.0 | - | number of files in the ring |
ring.1 | - | IDLINE of first file in the ring |
ring.2 | - | IDLINE of second file in the ring |
ring.n | - | IDLINE of nth file in the ring |
scale.0 | - | 2 |
scale.1 | - | ON|OFF |
scale.2 | - | line displaying scale line |
scope.0 | - | 1 |
scope.1 | - | ALL|DISPLAY |
screen.0 | - | 2 |
screen.1 | - | Number of screens displayed |
screen.2 | - | HORIZONTAL|VERTICAL |
select.0 | - | 2 |
select.1 | - | selection level of focus line |
select.2 | - | maximum selection level for file |
shadow.0 | - | 1 |
shadow.1 | - | ON|OFF |
showkey.0 | - | the number of commands assigned |
showkey.1 | - | first command/parameter assigned |
showkey.n | - | last command/parameter assigned |
showkey.0 | - | 1 |
showkey.1 | - | INVALID KEY |
size.0 | - | 1 |
size.1 | - | Lines in current file. |
slk.0 | - | 2 |
slk.1 | - | ON|OFF|UNAVAILABLE |
slk.2 | - | value of -k switch from command line |
slk.0 | - | 1 |
slk.1 | - | label for SLK |
slk.0 | - | number of labels defined |
slk.1 | - | label for first SLK |
slk.n | - | label of nth SLK |
statopt.0 | - | the number of status options in effect |
statopt.1 | - | the first status option in effect |
statopt.2 | - | the second status option in effect |
statopt.n | - | the nth status option in effect |
statopt.0 | - | 1 |
statopt.1 | - | the status option settings |
statusline.0 | - | 1 |
statusline.1 | - | TOP|BOTTOM|OFF |
stay.0 | - | 1 |
stay.1 | - | ON|OFF |
synelem.0 | - | 1 |
synonym.0 | - | 1 |
synonym.1 | - | ON|OFF |
synonym.0 | - | 4 |
synonym.1 | - | synonym name |
synonym.2 | - | length of minimum abbreviation |
synonym.3 | - | definition |
synonym.4 | - | linend character (if specified) |
synonym.0 | - | number of synonyms defined |
synonym.1 | - | synonym definition of first synonym |
synonym.n | - | synonym definition of nth synonym |
tabkey.0 | - | 2 |
tabkey.1 | - | TAB|CHARACTER |
tabkey.2 | - | TAB|CHARACTER |
tabline.0 | - | 2 |
tabline.1 | - | ON|OFF |
tabline.2 | - | line displaying tab line |
tabs.0 | - | 1 |
tabs.1 | - | actual tab columns or "INCR n" |
tabsin.0 | - | 2 |
tabsin.1 | - | ON|OFF |
tabsin.2 | - | size of tabs |
tabsout.0 | - | 2 |
tabsout.1 | - | ON|OFF |
tabsout.2 | - | size of tabs |
targetsave.0 | - | 1 |
targetsave.1 | - | ALL|NONE|list of target types |
terminal.0 | - | 1 |
terminal.1 | - | DOS|OS2|X11|WIN32|$TERM value under Unix |
thighlight.0 | - | 1 |
thighlight.1 | - | ON|OFF |
timecheck.0 | - | 1 |
timecheck.1 | - | ON|OFF |
tof.0 | - | 1 |
tof.1 | - | ON|OFF |
tofeof.0 | - | 1 |
tofeof.1 | - | ON|OFF |
trailing.0 | - | 1 |
trailing.1 | - | ON|OFF|REMOVE|EMPTY|SINGLE |
typeahead.0 | - | 1 |
typeahead.1 | - | ON|OFF |
undoing.0 | - | 1 |
undoing.1 | - | ON|OFF |
untaa.0 | - | 1 |
untaa.1 | - | ON|OFF |
utf8.0 | - | 1 |
utf8.1 | - | ON|OFF |
verify.0 | - | 1 |
verify.1 | - | Column pair of verify start and end columns. |
vershift.0 | - | 1 |
vershift.1 | - | VERSHIFT value |
version.0 | - | 5 |
version.1 | - | THE |
version.2 | - | version string e.g. 1.5 |
version.3 | - | platform version (DOS,OS2,UNIX,X11,WIN32,...) |
version.4 | - | version status information e.g. release date, beta |
version.5 | - | platform kernel (DOS,OS2,Linux,WIN32,...) |
width.0 | - | 1 |
width.1 | - | Maximum line width value. |
word.0 | - | 1 |
word.1 | - | ALPHANUM|NONBLANK |
wordwrap.0 | - | 1 |
wordwrap.1 | - | ON|OFF |
wrap.0 | - | 1 |
wrap.1 | - | ON|OFF |
xterminal.0 | - | 1 |
xterminal.1 | - | X11 terminal program |
zone.0 | - | 2 |
zone.1 | - | Zone start column |
zone.2 | - | Zone end column |
Say size.1() curline.1() |
result = valid_target(":7") ===> result = "12 -5" |
result = valid_target(":7 /fred/",junk), ===> result = "12 -5 /fred/" |
in.0 = 3 |